We empower you to protect your students.

Are you a parent, a member of the PTA, a school administrator? Indoor and outdoor air quality matters to you because you care about the health of students who face airborne allergens like mold and pollen at school. Our tech provides real-time insights, and this is critical to protecting asthmatics and allergy sufferers.

We reveal the enemy: 
mold, pollen, dust.

School districts can (and may be required) to monitor air quality in order to protect their students against airborne contaminants. . Data from our automated sensors can deliver actionable information to those trusted to protect students.

This makes the school a safer place to be, since about a third of us suffer from seasonal allergies and asthma and our real-time data helps us all breathe better.


Kids with Hay Fever


Asthmatic Children


Unprotected K-12 Schools

Your School District Can Get Help

asthmatic boy with oxygen mask
Real-Time Particle Data informs Caregivers

Legislation in many states is underway or in place to require school districts to to protect their students' air quality. Pollen Sense isn't just about pollen...it's about mold and dust, too. With real-time analytics, administrators, teachers, parents and students can know what contaminants are in the air at their specific school. Air quality insights are just an app-click away.

What is the first step to help our kids?

Contact us! We can answer questions about the ways automated particle sensing can help inform those who look out for student health. Parent Teacher Associations, Parent Teacher Organizations, School District leadership, school nurses and others would all benefit from understanding more about the latest advancements in air quality sampling.

Let's discuss the ways our sensors will provide your school district with novel data.

  • Improve your schools' air quality analysis with consistent data you can rely on. 
  • No-gap data based on machine learning guided by computer scientists and aerobiologists. 
  • Real-time, hourly data on any particulates: pollen, mold, dust, microplastics, you name it.
  • Better inform policy decisions based off of the best particulate data around.