Manual Particle Counting
with Spore Traps
Automatic Particle Sampling
by Pollen Sense
Averages are calculated 24 hours from the time samples were obtained. There are often large gaps in the data.
Averages are calculated every hour. In addition to hourly averages, daily, weekly and monthly values are available.
Samples must be obtained by physically visiting the spore trap. Then particulates are typically stained and processed manually for counting.
Samples are gathered automatically and microscopic images (and the resulting data) can be viewed anywhere there's an internet connection.
Technicians must receive training to collect samples, prepare them for counting, identify pollen, mold and inorganic particulates.
People who don't have expertise in air-quality science or aerobiology are able to examine and understand the data.
Human factors like experience, sickness, fatigue, convenience all contribute to the reliability and availability of the data.
Experts train models that are running algorithms based on artificial intelligence. The A.I. is consistent across the network and works around the clock.
The costs to hire, train and maintain a qualified technician add up quickly and are ongoing. This approach is difficult to scale.
An automated sensor network scales readily. Multiple sensors provide redundancy or higher granularity to the data and ongoing costs are reduced.