We empower you to detect microplastic particles.

Environmental and health concerns around the impact of microplastics are growing. As we work towards a solution, real-time knowledge about airborne particles can inform the best choices. Our tech automates air sampling for microplastics!

Get real-time microplastic data that you can act on.

Sensitive ecological environments have a lot to gain by carefully monitoring airborne particles.

Real-time data means you are empowered to act more quickly. When the air is sampled continuously, and microscopic images gathered every minute, you'll have a much better idea of trends in particle loads.

Where does our tech fit?
Automated particle sensing is most useful in the first part of a 2-step microplastic identification. Often researchers manually count what could be microplastics. Then they do biophysical tests to decipher which particles are indeed microplastics and not other particles.

Knowing which particles to further test is where we can best help support your research efforts!

1,000 tons of microplastic rains down on National Parks and the wilderness in the western US every year.

Sensing for Research and Mitigation

red microplastic from automated sensor
Real-Time Particle Data informs Growers

Pollen Sense LLC is all about providing key environmental and industrial players with information that they can act on to protect their interests. Our real-time analytics empower researchers, ecologists, biologists, and those who monitor air quality to know what particles have become airborne. Real-time Insights are just an app-click away.

Next steps?

Contact us! We can answer questions about the ways automated particle sensing can help monitor microplastic particle loads. You can benefit from understanding more about the latest advancements in air quality sampling.

Let's discuss the ways our sensors will provide your projects with novel data.

  • Improve air quality analysis with consistent data you can rely on. 
  • No-gap data based on machine learning guided by computer scientists and microscopists. 
  • Real-time, hourly data on any particulates: pollen, mold, dust, microplastics, you name it.
  • Better inform mitigation decisions based on the best particulate data around.